Petition against renaming Russian Fort Elizabeth
Petition against renaming Russian Fort Elizabeth
We, the undersigned, vehemently oppose the renaming of the Russian Fort Elizabeth on the island of Kaua’i, in the Hawaiian Islands. The fort, one of three built in 1816 by the Russian American Company as a result of an alliance with High Chief Kaumuali’i, was designated a National Historical Landmark in 1966 and is currently administered by the Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historical Park. In November 2017, Congress of Russian Americans and the Russian Center New York organized a Forum to commemorate 200 years of Fort Elizabeth, and it was discussed and decided to incorporate a visitor’s center and statues to Chief Kaumuali’i and Russian Empress Elizabeth.
Now a small group of Hawaiian locals are pressing to rename the fort completely and by doing so, distort its historical value and change the pages of history completely.
Please support the petition against renaming, sign it and send it by email to
Петиция против переименования Русской Елизаветинской крепости
Мы, нижеподписавшиеся, выступаем категорически против переименования Русской Елизаветинской крепости на острове Кауаи на Гавайских островах. Это одна из трех крепостей, построенных в 1816 году Российско-американской компанией в союзе с губернатором острова Каумуалии. Этот комплекс построек русской эпохи на острове в 1966 году был признан национальным американским историческим памятником.
Сегодня группа гавайских активистов начали работу по переименованию крепости. Они оказывают давление на администрацию парка и властей острова, они хотят полностью вычеркнуть русское наследие из истории Гавайских островов.
Просим поддержать петицию против переименования, подписать ее и отправить по эл.адресу
Russian Imperial Charity Ball
Preserve Victor Arnautoff’s mural in George Washington High School
The “Reflection and Action Group” appointed by the San Francisco Unified School District has recommended that all thirteen panels of a mural painted in 1935-1936 by Russian émigré artist Victor Arnautoff at George Washington High School be painted out because, in the words of the group’s recommendation, “the mural . . . glorifies slavery, genocide, colonization, manifest destiny, white supremacy… [and]… oppression.”
However, given Arnautoff’s political beliefs, and according to a recent 2017 biography by Dr. Robert Cherny, Victor Arnautoff and the Politics of Art, the purpose of these murals was to present a counter-narrative to typical high school textbooks of the day and to highlight exploitation and oppression of people of color in the United States.
In other words, through his art, Arnautoff was practicing a commitment to social justice and he was certainly not glorifying slavery, genocide, colonization, manifest destiny, or white supremacy. He was, instead, through his unique depictions of scenes of the life of George Washington, condemning those institutions and ideologies.
Arnautoff created the murals to protest both the genocide of Native Americans as well as slavery and oppression of African-Americans at a time when few openly discussed these aspects of American history. High school curricula in the United States, even today, neglect the history of Native Americans and First Peoples.
As such, the mural should serve as a critical educational tool and destroying or removing it only serves to promote an inaccurate perspective of the artist and his work.
There are several workable options that have been suggested to keep the mural intact and to allow faculty to use it to support their teaching. Erasing this work of art will not serve the interests of the students at George Washington High School and will divide the community.
Sign the petition in support of the preservation of Viktor Arnautov’s mural:
The Third Russian Imperial Charity Ball
organized by the Assembly of Russian Nobility, Chapter of the Western USA
benefiting: Russian Children’s Benevolent Society, Inc.
Imperial Foundation for Oncology Research in St. Petersburg,
“Dunya’s Fund” by Congress of Russian Americans
will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 7:00pm
at 117 S. Louise Street, Glendale CA 91205
Dress code: Formal – Ball gowns and black & white tie
for information and tickets:
tel: (818) 625-7521, Ludmila at
or (909) 331-6485, Olga at
The 31st Annual Russian Festival
Funds for medical aid to seriously ill and handicapped children in the US
DUNYA’s Fund
Meet Evdokia (Dunya) Bykon. A beautiful child born with spina bifida, a birth defect that occurs when the spine and spinal cord don’t form properly. As a result, she is paralyzed below the chest. In the first 5 years of her young life, she underwent over 7 surgeries. Dunya has come a long way to an active and healthy life. But there is still a long way ahead for her to the complete victory. She has learned to sit independently, she has excellent grip, she can independently ride in her wheelchair and has very strong arms. Recently her father, Father Alexei Bykon (rector of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in San Francisco) and family learned of a new method of treatment of spina bifida which involves stem cell replacement. The neurosurgeons who treats Dunya are very optimistic about the possible outcome and recommend the treatment for Dunya. The treatment is only available outside the United States and not covered by insurance. Last year, Dunya underwent the first of a series of treatments, and while prognosis is good, she still needs more treatments until she can walk on her own. PLEASE HELP DUNYA realize her dream of walking and running like normal children.
Congress of Russian Americans is raising the funds for Dunya’s much needed treatments, so that she has a chance to walk and run like other children. Please donate to the CRA – Dunya’s Fund. As CRA is a non-profit 501(c)-3 organization, all of your donations are tax-deductible and 100% of the donation will go towards Dunya’s much-needed treatments.
Please send your tax-deductible donations to:
Congress of Russian Americans (Memo: Dunya’s fund)
2460 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Congress of Russian Americans wishes all of our members and supporters, donors and sponsors a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We wish you good health and prosperity in the New Year!
Конгресса русских американцев желает членам КРА и единомышленникам, спонсорам и благотворителям прекрасного Рождества и счастливого Нового года!
Желаем вам здоровья и благополучия в Новом 2019 году!
Letter to State Parks RE Renaming Russian Fort Elizabeth
Кому: Департамент земли и природных ресурсов. Отдел государственных парков
Марте Э. Йент, руководителю программы
Копия: Департаменту внутренних дел Соединенных Штатов Америки. Служба национальных парков
Уважаемая Марта!
Из протокола №5 встречи рабочей группы по изучению, сохранению и популяризации Елизаветинской крепости от 11 сентября, вторник, из подготовленного черновика документа «National Register of Historic Places Registration Form», а также со слов членов рабочей группы мы узнали о готовящемся переименовании русской Елизаветинской крепости – National Historic Landmark Russian Fort Elizabeth (site number: 50-30-05-1000).
Принимая во внимание, что форт был построен в 1816 году и в тоже время назван Елизаветинской крепостью, о чем свидетельствует запись на стр. 103 от 18 ноября 1816 года в дневнике Георга Шеффера, который хранится в библиотеке Bancroft Library (California);
принимая во внимание, что предлагаемое изменение названия Паулаула (Paʻulaʻula) относится к более позднему периоду существования памятника. В более ранних документальных свидетельствах название Паулаула не используется;
принимая во внимание, что вопрос переименования уже ставился в прошлом году на форуме, посвященном русской Елизаветинской крепости, и участники высказали однозначное мнение, что переименовывать крепость не должно состояться,
считаем, что переименование парка проводить не нужно, и такое переименование противоречит всем известным историческим и фактическим документам.
Мы предлагаем приостановить деятельность по переименованию и обсудить эту тему на следующем форуме Елизаветинской крепости, который планируется провести в конце 2019 года.
Считаем, что очень важно поднимать такие вопросы только после всестороннего научного и общественного обсуждения этого вопроса и только при согласии всех заинтересованных сторон.
С уважением,
Наталия Сабельник
Президент Конгресса русских американцев
Annual “Taste of Russia” Festival
at the Holy Virgin Cathedral of San Francisco
6210 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94121
Featuring: Russian food, entertainment, church tours & gift items.
Entrance Fee: $5.00
For more information, please call 1-415-221-3255
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