As part of the annual support to Russian-American youth, CRA participates in Russian School graduations, presenting congratulatory letters with complimentary honorary CRA 2024 membership to graduates, along with proclamations and monetary gifts (to Gold and Silver award recipients).
This year, Russian Schools in Burlingame, San Francisco and Los Angeles sent in the names of their graduates, and CRA representatives presented the awards to each graduate during their graduation ceremonies. If your Russian School (supplementary to regular English school) has a graduating class next year, please let CRA know in ahead of time, so that we can prepare in advance and congratulate your students.
In Los Angeles, during the graduation ceremonies, CRA director, Ivan Podvalov, also presented the 2024 CRA scholarship to Sasha Gadalova. She was recognized for her exemplary academic achievements, hard work and participation in support of the Russian-American community, and pursuit of promoting Russian culture through her educational goals with her project “Assimilation in Alaska. Old Believers and the Evolution of their Identity”.
CRA congratulates this year’s scholarship recipient, as well as all graduates throughout all the Russian Schools in the U.S. for their completion and fine achievements in Russian studies, including language, literature, history and scriptures. Those students who have continued their membership in CRA (or whose parents are CRA members) and meet all the criteria are eligible to apply for CRA scholarship when they enter college or university.