This year marks the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the first ship to San Francisco from Tubabao (November 30, 1950 on the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) ship USNS General M. L. Hersey ). Refugees, residents of the island encampment, in several ships had already left the island earlier that year to Australia and other countries, and this ship was the first of three that arrived to America. This year also marks the 90th anniversary of the League of Russian Women (later to be renamed Russian American Women’s League in SF), and over 95 years of the All Cossack’s Union. Both organizations were founded in Shanghai in the early to late 1920’s by White Russians who fled the terror of the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Many organizations were founded, but not many survived. Yet these two found strength in working together and continued their work, not just in Shanghai, but through Tubabao and in the United States.
According to an article from one of the Russian newspapers “Slovo” in Shanghai, dated 1926, the Cossack Balls were considered one of the most grand in the city. Held at the Majestic Hotel in Shanghai in 1926 and throughout the years as annual balls , Cossacks dressed in their respective Cossack regiment’s uniforms performed as a choir on stage for the delight of the guests. Many who came in the 1950’s may recall the grand Cossack balls held in San Francisco at the Russian Center. These traditions have been carried throughout the years, and the Cossacks though dwindling in numbers have continued to hold their traditional Old Russian Style New Year.
This year, joining forces with the Russian American Women’s League (who have their own legendary history, as well as many of whom are also Cossack descendants), the traditional Old-Style Russian New Year was held at the Russian Center’s Gold Room on Friday, January 10. This was a partnership of cooperation and respect, commemorating 90 years of working together and was a celebration for members (and their families) of both organizations. While the quantity of members of both organizations may have declined in recent years, both organizations continue their work and united, celebrated the holiday season and their annual commemoration of the Old-Style Russian New Year.
A pot-luck dinner proved that the members, families and friends were able to start the Old New Year celebration together in harmony and commeraderie. Both the zakuski, the main table and dessert table were full of the most delicious variety of gourmet delicacies that Russian hostesses prepared for this joyous celebration. Guests also brought their own favorite drinks. It wasn’t about eating and drinking, it was truly about celebrating together.
Palina Suhonos, who coordinated the tables and pot-luck thanked those people from each organization that brought this evening together. This included the wonderful ladies of both organizations – Nadia Buick, Irene Goncharoff, Sasha Sabelnik-Whooley, Vika Sabelnik, and Katia Sabelnik-Snider who donated her time and help as a director of Russian Center to help set-up and clean-up of the evening. Of course, Palina also thanked everyone who brought food and helped with making this evening a success.
Goga Engurasoff, a favorite of the Russian community, donated his time and talent to the event, with guests dancing to throughout the evening, and our own world-celebrated Nikolai Massenkoff sang several Cossack songs, bringing the audience to join in the singing.
All agreed, that the speech by Congress of Russian Americans (who was a sponsor of the event) president, Natalie Sabelnik who reached out to the participants that there are so few of us left, that we need to work together was inspirational. She encouraged people to join both organizations – Cossacks & League, and people agreed that we, indeed, need to carry on these traditions and we indeed need to work together. Some filled out applications straight away to both Cossacks Union and League, and others approached the directors of each board and promised to join and help in future events.
With the start of the New Year and the new decade, let’s continue working together in harmony and prosperity, much like our parents and grandparents did when they were forced to live abroad, awaiting return of our Russian homeland.