RUSSIAN AMERICANS in the US Military List:(The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard are the armed forces of the United States)
NAME in English (Last, First, Middle): __________________________________________NAME in Russian (ФИО): ____________________________________________________
DATE of Birth (mm/dd/year): _________ _________ _________PLACE of Birth (City, State, Country): __________________________________________
If not born in US, when & from where immigrated to US: ________ __________________Which BRANCH of the US Military did you serve: ________________________________
RANK: ___________________________________________________________________Where were you STATIONED: ________________________________________________
Which WAR were you in: _____________________ TERM (S): ____________________If you served in more than one war or more than one term, please indicate: _____________ _________________________________________________________________________
Please list any MEDALS, AWARDS, CITATIONS you may have received: ____________
_________________________________________________________________________OTHER (Any other pertinent info you wish to add): _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
YOUR NAME (Please indicate self or if filling out for someone else, relationship to you,
with your contact info): RELATIONSHIP (e.g. SELF, father, grandfather, uncle, friend, other, please indicate): ______________________ NAME: ______________________________
ADDRESS (w/city/state): _____________________________________________________
CONTACT INFO: Tele: ____________________ Email: ____________________________
Please email your form to along with any PHOTOS you may have