One of the objectives of the Congress of Russian Americans (CRA) is to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of Russian Americans. Through CRA headquarters in San Francisco, the chapters in New York and Los Angeles and other CRA members, CRA receives archival documents, photographs, newspaper articles, concert brochures, books and other material from the local diaspora that are passed on to either the Russian History Museum in Jordanville, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University or the Museum of Russian Culture in San Francisco (as well as other museums and archives). The collaboration between these museums and the Congress of Russian Americans has lasted many years.
Various collections of books, photos and other documents of prominent Russian Americans have been received for past years, through the CRA headquarters and passed on to the Museum of Russian Culture in San Francisco (MRCSF), located in the Russian Center, where CRA is headquartered. Most recently, with the assistance of the CRA Los Angeles Chapter, the museum will be receiving documents and pre-revolutionary edition books, as well as family archival documents from a family whose journey to the United States passed through China and Brazil and will also be donated to the Museum (MRCSF).
CRA encourages families to pass on their family archives and collections to CRA, so that they can coordinate distribution to these museums and archives (or contact each of the organizations directly). Too often, these priceless collections are tossed, thinking that they could not be of any value to others. However, family and individual collections hold valuable insights into our ancestors’ lives, traditions, and experiences. These collections, facilitate research, knowledge sharing, and storytelling. Don’t let these stories fade away. The dedicated archivists provide end-to-end collection care to ensure these stories won’t be lost or forgotten. Each story brings a piece of the puzzle to the big picture of the cultural and historical heritage of Russian Americans in the U.S.
CRA New York representative, Ludmila Selinsky worked with CRA headquarters in obtaining archives, including photos, concert brochures, documents, sheet music and other material of Dmitry Avramenko. Dmitry Avramenko, born in Russia and immigrated from Argentina to the United States, organized a choir in Argentina with a magnificent collection of costumes, including boyar, gypsy, Russian, Ukrainian and others, which he brought to the U.S. and started a Folk Choir that performed all over the SF Bay Area and Southern California. The costumes were later left to Natasha Borissova’s Russian Collection and now are at the Russian Center used by Vladimir Riazantsev dancers.
The NY Chapter had also orchestrated organizing numerous collections of containers for humanitarian aid support to Russian and Ukrainian families throughout the years. This included clothes, medicine, canned and home goods. This continued even after the SF headquarters discontinued sending containers in the early 2000’s due to difficulty with shipments and payments. (Front page: picture from the cover of the magazine with an actor and founder of the Los Angeles Ballet – Theodor Kozloff playing balalaika, circa 1928.)

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