RCA Announcements
Charity Ball in Los Angeles.
Presentation “Cossacks in Hollywood” in Los Angeles.

Happy Maslenitsa!
Commemorative events in Los Angeles related to the events which took place 100 years ago in Vladivostok.
Mrs. Olga Kachina (CRA member) presented a lecture about the events which took place in 1922 and marked the end of the Civil War in the Far East of Russia. Her presentation focused on the members of the Russian community who were affected by those events leading to their evacuation to the Philippines and the United States in 1923. Upon their arrival in California, they contributed in various ways. Many enrolled to the National Sea Guard, with some becoming Captains in the US Navy. Some became aerospace engineers, taking part in Apollo space program. Others became scholars including one who was the founding member of the Department of the Slavic Studies at UCLA.
Presentation and blessing of the memorial plaque.
A blessing of the memorial plaque with the names of parishioners of the Holy Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Cathedral who served in the US Military took place in Los Angeles. The plaque was presented by Los Angeles CRA chapter as a tribute to these Veterans during the Slavic Festival on November 13, 2022. CRA maintains the “Golden list”of the community members who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Slavic Festival+Russophone LA lecture invitation given by CRA member Olga Kachina
Greetings from the Russophone Los Angeles Research Collective!The Russophone Los Angeles Research Collective is an independent organization, which collects, preserves, researches, and popularizes the rich history of Russophone immigration to Southern California. Spanning the past 100 years, our collection includes periodicals, photographs, video and audio materials, publications, and ephemera relating to community schools and organizations, as well as to prominent members of the Russian community. Many of those community members were employed in the entertainment industry: motion pictures, theater, music, and ballet. The collection is currently housed at the Holy Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Cathedral at 650 Micheltorena Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026.
We would like to invite you to a presentation given at our Museum Room this Sunday!
Date: November 13, 2022Time: 2 pmTopic: Evacuation of the While Siberia Flotilla: Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Vladivostok ExodusPresenter: Olga Kachina is an independent historian of forced migration from the Russian Empire and a member of the club “Friends of the Museum of Russian Culture in San Francisco” and Congress of Russian Americans.
The presentation will take place in the building next to the cathedral. Enter via the side door right of the parking lot.
Please take note that Slavic Festival will be taking place same day.We encourage you to arrive earlier not to miss out on ethnic food and folk performances!
Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan elected new 1st Hierarch of Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia celebrated the enthronement of its new First Hierarch on Sunday, September 18 at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York City. His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan was elected by the ROCOR Bishops Council on Tuesday, September 13, and his election was confirmed by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church the next day.
In memoriam. CRA announces the passing of one of it’s founders and active members Rostislav Polchaninov and extends condolences to his family.
Rostislav Polchaninov (21.01.1919-08.10.2022) was a Russian writer and journalist, public figure of the Russian emigration, NTS activist, organizer of the scout movement.
The son of Colonel of the Russian Army and member of the White movement Vladimir Pavlovich Polchaninov (1881-1939). In infancy he was taken by his parents to emigration, lived in Yugoslavia, where he became a member of the emigrant scout movement. On October 8 Rostislav Polchaninov passed away, just several months shy of his 104th birthday. Rostislav Vladimirovich survived the civil and Second World War, as a young child sat in the arms of Baron Wrangel, worked in the famous Pskov Orthodox mission and was most likely the last surviving participant, suffered the hardships of life in a camp for displaced persons in post-war Germany.

Russian Children’s Art Competition 2022
CRA is one of the sponsors of the Russian Children’s Art Competition this year. The competition is open to Russian children in Russian Schools throughout the US in the four age categories as outlined in the attached information of the competition. Questions, info and drawings to be sent no later than September 11 to info@rossinca.org. There are 4 age categories and a choice of one of three themes to base the drawings. Only one entry per child. The winning drawings in the competition will be entered in the Regional competition which will be held on September 30 in Costa Rica. Winners of the national as well as the regional competition will be notified by Rossinca Heritage School. Good luck to our Russian children and youth!
Победители Регионального конкурса рисункаКоста-Рика 2022Номинация 4-6 лет:1 место – Оля Борзова (Мексика)2 место – Иван Фомин (Колумбия)3 место – Кира Галеева (США)Номинация 7-9 лет:1 место – Лидия Веласкес Панибог (Перу)2 место – София Ф. (Мексика)3 место – Диана Апарисио (Панама)Номинация 10-13 лет:1 место – Зейнеп Елизавета Акчакоджа (США)2 место – Иван Сивенков (США)3 место – Малина Деминг (США)Номинация 14-16 лет:1 место – Елизавета Шапошник (Колумбия)2 место – Citlali Solazar Mojia (Мексика)3 место – Эмма Лао (Панама
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