On September 14th, the Russian Orthodox Convent Novo-Diveevo, commemorated it’s 75th anniversary of the convent in Nanuet, New York. Founded in October of 1949 by Father Adrian Rimarenko (later Archbishop Andrei of Rockland), the convent is home to many sacred relics including a full length portrait of St. Seraphim of Sarov painted during his lifetime, a cross from the Ipatiev House, and a “Vladimir” icon of the Holy Theotokos, a gift from the Optina Pustyn monastery. In June of 2018, CRA President, N.Sabelnik attended the unveiling and dedication of the bronze monument of St.Seraphim of Sarov on the grounds of the convent.
The Novo Diveevo Cemetery is an integral part of the convent and is the largest Russian Orthodox cemetery outside of Russia. The cemetery has been home to many nuns, as well as clergy, and numerous prominent people buried among the nearly 8000 graves in the cemetery.
The Anniversary Celebrations began on Friday, September 13th with the greeting of the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God at 5:30 pm, followed by the All-Night Vigil. On Saturday morning Hierarch Metropolitan Nicholas arrived to serve Divine Liturgy and Moleben in the St. Seraphim Cathedral, which was overflowing with clergy and the faithful. After the Liturgy the celebratory banquet, headed by Metropolitan Nicholas, included Archbishop Gabriel and Bishops Irenei, Jerome and Luke, numerous clergy, nuns, and local and out-of-town guests. An exhibit of the history of Novo Diveevo from its founding was also on display.
A congratulatory letter from the CRA, addressed to the Hierarch, Bishops, Abbess Makaria, and the clergy was read by long-time CRA member and active member of the Russian-American New York community, Ludmila Selinsky. L.Selinsky’s father, the late Rostislav Polchaninoff, a well-known journalist and activist in the Russian Abroad, was one of the founders of CRA. He continued to contribute greatly to CRA’s biographical dictionary, published by Prof. Eugene Alexandrov, and was featured in the CRA’s docu-series film on the “Great Exodus” of White Russians after the end of the Civil War. L.Selinsky continues to organize and send containers of cultural and historic materials of the Russian Abroad to the Solzhenitsyn Museum in Russia.
The CRA greeting thanked the dedicated clergy and nuns who have served the spiritual needs of the congregation and the aged and ailing in their adult home throughout the years, especially in the final stages of the Orthodox Christian person’s life.
CRA is proud of the long-standing association with Novo Diveevo convent and the community, as CRA was founded in New York over 50 years ago (before the headquarters were moved to San Francisco in 2000 at the election of George Avisov as President), and many of CRA’s members have found their final resting place at the Novo Diveevo Cemetery.
CRA congratulated all, including the nuns, clergy, choir and the entire congregation on the 75th anniversary and wished all good health, spiritual happiness, prosperity and peace for Many, Many Years.